Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Critical Introduction- Documentary Video Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Critical Introduction- Documentary Video - Essay Example The music was played by the use of classic genre in order to create the new sounds. Karl Waugh and Chloe Wallace are the subjects behind the documentary and had a rhythmic relationship of the played music, of which they created. It is a passion for the Waugh to play his music. This is especially at the times he speaks, making the audience to have the personal feelings of the music after they view it. This is a norm, especially for the filmmakers in using a style of keeping the people who create the music in the limelight. In this case, they see no importance for any other alternative of this style since it is an understandable style to the audience and the artists. Furthermore, the team producing the documentary wanted to make the audience to distinguish the style of music used in this artwork and classifying it as the real music. In the introduction to the documentary, Bill Nichols explains that the filmmakers structured their film according to the interview of the Waugh since his words were forming the framework of the argument discussed in the documentary. The producers have the tasks of marketing the new music in Brighton as well as avoiding the critical debate of whether the type of the music can be classified as the real music. This aims at giving the audience the chance to have their own opinions on the documentary or their own feelings. The documentary also supports the spoken words and is supported by the images, which are shown in the film as discussed by Bill Nichols. This is because the visuals are traditionally important in the films and they are shown as shots in supporting the discussions of Waugh. The sounds, which were heard as being experimental were produced by the Zero Map and are used to encourage the artists in using shots that corresponds with their ideas. The team also believes that, showing the shots will make the audience to have better understandings of the

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